New Results from the OXLUMO® (lumasiran) Clinical Program Presented at AUA Annual Meeting

New Results from the OXLUMO® (lumasiran) Clinical Program Presented at AUA Annual Meeting

New kidney stone data from ongoing clinical trials of OXLUMO® (lumasiran), an RNAi therapeutic targeting hydroxyacid oxidase 1 – the gene encoding glycolate oxidase – for the treatment of primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1), were presented at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, held virtually September 10-13, 2021. Results from the Phase 1/2 clinical trial of lumasiran and its Phase 2 open-label extension (OLE) period showed that treatment with lumasiran led to an apparent reduction in kidney stone related adverse events in pediatric and adult patients with PH1. A reduction in kidney stone event (KSE) rates – an exploratory endpoint in ILLUMINATE-A and ILLUMINATE-B Phase 3 trials – was reported in ILLUMINATE-A at Month 12, with KSE rates remaining stable through Month 6 in ILLUMINATE-B.

Lieske, et al. – “Effect of lumasiran on kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis in patients with primary hyperoxaluria type 1”